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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Lord of the Rings : The War Of The Ring System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-03-09 22:51:38 Views : 25386 Easy skirmish win: In skirmish mode. play The Mirkwood Pond map. Have yourself and your opponent on the good side. Have your opponent set to Farmer Maggot (easy). As soon as you begin, have two workers get food and the other get rock. Upgrade your stronghold to level 3. Get Frodo Baggins, and lots of Elven archers. Build the Elven archer and Ranger upgrade building. Upgrade attack and defense as high as possible. Then, upgrade the Elven Cloak. You elves will be invincible. Then, destroy your enemy. Fate powers: When you summon an Ent/Balrog in a campaign before an intermission sequence, it will have a its life span reset and will not go down from then. Change unit stats: Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the file in the "alplayers" directory in the game folder. You can change your favorite enemy or ally. For example, the Harassment value can be changed from 0 to 100. Higher values will send more small forces . One hit kill: When in a Skirmish level with a river (for example, River Raid), build a Ballista Tower just beside a bridge. When an enemy comes down the bridge, the Ballista Tower will fire a bolt, knocking the enemy back into the river, killing them instantly. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more The Lord of the Rings : The War Of The Ring cheat codes.
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